Visitor Visa
5 streams for visiting Australia Subclass 600
Tourist Stream,
Sponsored family stream,
Business Visitor stream
Approved Destination Status (ADS) stream,
Frequent Traveller Stream
The Tourist Stream
Allows the applicant to visit Australia as a tourist, to see family or friends, cruise, or holiday and stay up to 12 months. Can apply in and outside Australia. The applicant must meet health and character requirements, intend to stay temporarily following the visa requirements and have enough money for staying in Australia.
The Sponsored Family stream
Allows the applicant to visit an Australian citizen or Australian permanent resident who is a parent, spouse, de facto partner, child, brother, or sister of the applicant and stay up to 12 months. The applicant must have a sponsor, intend to come to Australia as a visitor only and meet health and character requirements.
The Business Visitor stream
Allows to visit Australia for business reasons and stay up to 3 months. Can apply in and outside Australia. The applicant can make general enquiries about business or employment, negotiate contracts, or participate in a conference or exhibition. The applicant must be a genuine visitor for business visitor activities, meet health and character requirements and have enough money while staying in Australia
The Approved Destination Status (ADS) stream
Allows a tour organised by a travel agent for citizens from certain areas of China to visit Australia. The applicant must be a citizen of China, be a genuine visitor, visit Australia within a tour group and meet health and character requirements
The Frequent Traveller stream
Allows citizens of China to travel frequently to Australia for business or personal reasons and can be granted up to 10 years and stay up to 3 months after each entry. The applicant can travel as a tourist, or visit family or friends. The applicant must be a holder of a passport and be a citizen of China
Work and Holiday Visa Subclass 462
First Work and Holiday visa
Allows people 18-30 years old, the holders of passports from eligible countries, to have extended holiday and right to temporary work in Australia. Apply outside Australia. A temporary visa cannot be extended, the applicant can apply for a second Work and Holiday visa.
The applicant can:
Short-term work
Study for up to 4 months
Enter and leave Australia
After 3 months of specified subclass 462 work can apply for a second Work and Holiday visa.
The applicant must:
not enter previously on visas 462 or 417
have enough money to support yourself in Australia
meet educational requirements.
have a support letter from certain countries Government
2. Second Work and Holiday visa
Allows people 18-30 years old, the holders or who have held a Work and Holiday visa to have a second Work and Holiday in Australia and stay 12 months. A temporary visa cannot be extended, the applicant can apply for a third Work and Holiday visa after 6 months of specified 462 visa work. Apply in or outside Australia
The applicant can:
Short-term work
Study for up to 4 months
Enter and leave Australia
After 6 months of specified subclass 462 work can apply for a third Work and Holiday visa.
The applicant must:
meet health and character requirements
must have enough money to support yourself in Australia
not be accompanied by dependent children
previously entered on subclass 462 visa
if in Australia hold a substantive visa, that expired less than 28 days ago.
completed 3 months of specified subclass 462 work
2. Third Work and Holiday visa
Allows people 18-30 years old, the holders or who have held a second Work and Holiday visa to have a third Work and Holiday visa. Apply in or outside Australia
The applicant can:
Short-term work
Study for up to 4 months
Enter and leave Australia
The applicant must:
meet health and character requirements
must have enough money to support yourself in Australia
not be accompanied by dependent children
previously held a second Work and Holiday Visa 462 in Australia or bridging visa
when in Australia hold a substantive visa, that expired less than 28 days ago
completed 6 months of specified subclass 462
First Work and Holiday visa
Allows people 18-30 years old on their first trip to Australia and work to help finance their trip and stay for 12 months. A temporary visa cannot be extended, but the applicant can apply for a second Working Holiday visa. Apply online outside Australia
The applicant can:
Short-term work
Study for up to 4 months
Enter and leave Australia
After 3 months of specified work can apply for a second Working Holiday visa
The applicant must:
Must be a holder of a passport from eligible countries
No cancelled visa or refused application before applying for this type of visa
2. Second Work and Holiday visa
Allows people 18-30 years old, the holders or who have held a Working Holiday visa to have a second Working Holiday in Australia.
The applicant can:
Short-term work
Study for up to 4 months
Enter and leave Australia
After 6 months of specified subclass 417 work can apply for a third Working Holiday visa
The applicant must:
Must be a holder of a passport from eligible countries
No cancelled visa or refused application before applying for this type of visa
Must hold First Working Holiday visa
a substantive visa, expired less than 28 days ago
entered Australia on the visa
fulfilled all the conditions of the first Working Holiday visa
2. Third Work and Holiday visa
Allows people 18-30 years old, the holders or who held a second Working Holiday visa to have a third Working Holiday visa.
A temporary visa cannot be extended, the applicant cannot apply for a fourth Working Holiday visa. Apply in or outside Australia
The applicant can:
Short-term work
Study for up to 4 months
Enter and leave Australia
The applicant must:
Previous first and second Working Holiday visa
When in Australia hold a substantive visa, that expired less than 28 days ago
Completed 6 months of specified subclass 417 work.
Must be a holder of a passport from eligible countries
No cancelled visa or refused application before applying for this type of visa